The dog is one of the most favorite pets in the world. If you also want to be part of this group, know that it is one of the best decisions you can make, but you need to know some precautions and techniques to take good care of a dog.
Let’s consider essential tips for having and taking good care of a dog.
Teach how to use the hygienic mat
It is important to educate the dog from the first contact, when he tends to be more open to learning, and one of the main lessons is the use of the toilet mat. Thus, the needs will be done in the right place most of the time.
These mats are very practical and useful, especially for those who do not want to take their dog outside for their needs, but it is essential to know how to teach them the right way.
The hygienic mat should be placed away from the animal’s feeder and drinker and, preferably, always be in the same place, so that the learning process does not have to be done again.
Bring the animal to the mat a few times during the day and after it eats to encourage use. When the dog relieves himself in the wrong place, don’t fight with him and wait a while to clean up.
Whenever he uses the mat correctly, give him a treat, pet or other reward. That way, he’ll learn that he did the lesson the right way.
Make sure you choose your pet’s bed
Most dogs will lie down and be comfortable in various parts of the house, but it is important that they have their own bed to sleep and rest peacefully during the night.
To choose the ideal bed, it is important to see how your dog sleeps. If you are sprawled out, it is necessary to choose a larger size, while those who are cozy can stay in a smaller bed with backrests for support.
To get the size right, measure the dog while he sleeps and add at least 15 centimeters to make him comfortable. Also, if the dog is still growing, you can buy a bigger one and complete it with pillows or blankets.
Pay attention to the feed
A good part of your dog’s health is related to the choice of food, as this will be the main nutritional source for him, and while there are hundreds of options, the choice is not as difficult as it seems.
The first point is to analyze the age of the dog. When they are young, nutritional needs are more intense thanks to the accelerated pace of growth and development. Therefore, puppy food is more energetic than food for the elderly, which is less caloric.
In addition, it is also important to consider the size of the dog. The larger ones need a large amount of feed, while the smaller ones are fed with reduced portions. This even impacts the size of the grains.
Knowing how to read labels is also critical. In the composition of the ration (and also of the foods for humans), the first item is the one that is present in greater proportion. Therefore, the item that opens the list should always be some animal protein, such as meat, fish or chicken.
The formula must bring natural preservatives and the vitamins and minerals that dogs need for their health, such as iron, zinc, calcium, copper and manganese.
Healthy fats, such as those named for some protein (beef or chicken fat) and grains (rice, barley) can also appear, as they have good nutritional value.
Avoid fleas and ticks
Bites, itching, redness and even allergies. These are some of the possible evils brought by these pests, which highlights the need to use antiflea and ticks on your dog.
Take the dog for a walk
Walking with the dog is a basic and essential activity for the animal’s health, in addition to making it happier and more satisfied. Proof of this is the magical phrase “let’s go for a walk?”, which already makes many dogs wag their tails and bark with joy.
First, make sure the dog is protected from fleas and ticks and has his vaccinations up to date. After all, you can’t know what the animal will come across when it’s on its walk.
Take good care of your dog!
Apply each of the tips mentioned, from choosing a good bed to educating with the toilet mat and selecting the best flea repellents for dogs, and take care of your pet with all the love, affection and respect it deserves!